A “Pregnant Pause” in St. Augustine

above: Elyse and the Lil’ Dude take a break.


St. Augustine has the distinction of being the “oldest city in America” having been founded by Ponce De Leon in 1513. We had toured the historic city a couple of years earlier so we had intended, on this trip, just to visit with some friends and their new baby.


The excitement started before we arrived when the Lil Dude informed us that the back of the rig smelled like fuel. Since the rig was running fine and we only had a 15 minute drive left we continued on to our friends house. When we arrived, we discovered our tow car was covered in diesel fuel. Apparently, we had a broken fuel line and there was no telling how much fuel we sprayed on the highway. Quick work by the Hippygeek handyman remedied the situation then we could get down to the business of waiting for the arrival of the new baby.










right: Lil’ Dude, Elyse, Tyson, Mina, Hippygeek and Big Dude.





We arrived at Tyson and Monica’s house two days before their baby was due expecting that he would have already arrived. Their two other children, Elyse and Mina, came a little early and we thought that he might be on the same schedule…NOT.















So, we decided to wait for the baby by doing some boating, fishing and just plain hangin’ out. After a couple of days, we shifted our focus from visiting to staying to help out when the baby came….NOT. He was clearly on his own schedule.





















So, we busied ourselves some more while we waited:




























































…..and we waited some more.































aaand, we waited some more………



































and we kept waiting………..
















just think how Monica felt waiting.

















After a week and no baby, we needed to move on as the clock is ticking on what’s left of our trip but, we had a great time waiting for the baby to come!


8 days after his due date, baby Kai arrived and joined his parents and sisters.



“I’m a Pregasauraus…mess with me and you’ll be extinct.”





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