Petroglyph National Monument


While in Albuquerque, we decided to take a hike with our friend James and his son Ben to Petroglyph National Monument. I have always been fascinated by Petroglyphs and the park boasts approximately 20,000 images.



Petroglyphs are pictures that are engraved, carved or pecked into stone. They can be found all over the world with the oldest ones dating back 12,000 years. Researchers believe many of the images at the park to be 400-700 years old but some may be as old as 3,000 years.


above: The boys make notes in their ranger books.


There appears to be many (many, many) theories as to their origins and meanings. Some are thought to be astronomical markers, maps and trails. Some are thought to have deep cultural and religious significance. Others are thought to represent stories or communicate travels.



When I think of petroglyphs, I think of stick figures holding spears racing after crudely formed herds of deer or other beasts. But, our hike revealed images very far from my imagination. James and the Hippygeek kept thinking a bunch of bored Native American teenagers used the site to fashion the first American graffiti.

Since no one really knows the age, origin or meaning of the images and the images were a bit odd, we decided to give them a modern interpretation. (No offense or disrespect intended)





left: Dilbert’s teenaged angst.








right: “Have a nice day!”







left: “Boogie woogie alien lizard.”










right: A bird in the pan is worth two in the bush.







left: The newest member of the Teletubbies.









right: “Mr. Bill” is sniffed out by a pregnant daschund.







left: The three minute egg.









right: A “dot to dot” game…unfinished.






left: “splat”.






right: The “bowling ball” takes on the “queen of baseball”.







left: The king of…….something.










right: “The Russians are coming”.








left: doing the “Macarena”.






Of course no one will ever know the real meanings as those secrets will forever remain with the “artists”.


above: A “nose for news.”


“All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.” Friedrich Nietzche






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