Philadelphia was on our list of cities to visit from the very start not just because of it’s place in American history but also because it was where I was born. It’s always fun to take a trip down memory lane and even more fun to drag your kids along with you; “see kids, that is the piece of sidewalk where I learned to ride a bike! And, there is the pool where I learned to swim and there is my elementary school where my friend Johnny threw up on me in 2nd grade!” When they get tired of all of that fantastic history, you can always take them downtown to see where a revolution got started and then ended with the establishment of one of the most powerful countries in the history of the planet.
left: Here is my first house and sidewalk where I learned to ride a bike. (Did you think I was kidding about the memory lane thing?)
right: This is my elementary school. (my classmate really did throw up on me, it’s a vivid memory)
left: This is the “gigantic” hill behind the school where we went sledding and skiing.
right: This is where I learned to swim.
left and below: This was MY “hundred acre wood”where my cousins and brothers and I used to “get lost” for hours. (the Dudes actually liked this part)
left: Here is the bakery where my mother used to buy cinnamon buns and buttercake. They just don’t do bakeries like they do in the northeast.
right: Mmmmm, buttercake. We, of course, had to buy some.
OK, OK, enough with the memory lane thing.
My Aunt and Uncle were kind enough to let us park the bus at their place and then we took the train into town to see the sights. But, before we see the sights, you have to look at this thing My Aunt and the Hippygeek are holding.
above and below: It’s a dog (really!) and her name is Jolson.
The sights.
left: Waiting for the train at Ambler station.
right: Bored on the train.
…….. not bored on the train.
right: Mmmm, nothin’ like a philly cheesesteak in Philly.
above: Some things have been around a while. Note how many stars are on the flag.
above: Carpenter Hall where the first Continental Congress met. Statue dedicated to the Signers of the Declaration of Independence.
left: The Exchange Building.
I’m sure there were a lot of “deals” made in the Exchange Building. I wonder how many “deals” were made across the street at the City Tavern.
left: The City Tavern’s menu had offerings from the 1770’s including one of Ben Franklin’s favorite tofu recipes and Thomas Jefferson’s beer recipes.
above: Benjamin Franklin’s house once stood here. There are plans to build another one in it’s place as a museum.
left: A ranger explains how to use a printing press (like the one Benjamin Franklin used and the one used to print the Declaration of Independence)
above: A photographer does a photo shoot in front of Independence hall.
above right: Betsy Ross house.
left and below: Elfreth’s Alley is one of the oldest continuously inhabited streets in America dating to 1702. How many steps through the door must it have taken to wear the stone on the stoop?
left: Chinatown.
right: Chinese Fish market.
left: You can even buy “toads” (tastes like chicken!)
right and below: Many years ago, in my “banister sliding phase”, I slid down this banister in Independence Hall. (don’t tell anybody) It is now roped off, darn.
left: The bottom was a little tricky so I didn’t slide on that part.
There is so much history in Philadelphia and so much to see and do that all I could was to show a small sampling of one of the most historic cities in the country and one that holds a little personal history too.
above: The room in Independence Hall where both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were signed.
“There, I guess King George will be able to read that.” John Hancock’s remark on signing the Declaration of Independence