The Li’ Dude had been asking for days to go fishing. So, when we arrived at the Singing Hills Campground(later to be renamed “solar oven hill”) and he saw the fishing pond, he could hardly be contained. Every moment we did not spend at Mammoth Cave, was spent fishing. The following is a recap of the “tournament”.
Preparation is an important of planning for a successful day of fishing.
Then, patience is the next important part.
………and more patience.
And, sometimes they just don’t bite.
When they do bite, it’s usually on someone else’s line
Day 1 results:
Daddy – 0
Big Dude – 2
Lil’ Dude – 1/2* *(Not wanting to be totally shut out on the first day, the Lil’ Dude claimed to catch a “half of a fish”. When I asked him whether he caught the front half or the back half, he said “NO MOMMY! A half is when a fish is on your line then it wiggles off before you can pull it out of the water”.
A change of bait was in order for this day. …….and more patience
The Peanut Gallery
MMmmmmm fish!
Day 2 results
Daddy – 2 (+ the “big daddy catfish)
Big Dude – 5
Lil’ Dude – 6
In the end, it was a good day of fishin’
“Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.” Henry David Thoreau
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