Exploring the Backcountry


Getting into the back country of Colorado is a real treat especially in the winter. With the exception of a few snowshoe hare or coyote tracks, the snow is untouched and the scenery is wild and awe inspiring. The challenge lies in accessing those remote areas to enjoy what nature has to offer.










If money were no object, a heliskiiing trip would be amazing. Cross country skiing normally allows one to see things that cannot be accesses by road but the steep climbs around here would make it impossible. The other two options that were available to us during our stay were snowshoe hiking and snowmobiling and we did a little of both.













The National Forest borders my in-laws property which provides endless hiking possibilities. The advantages to snowshoeing is that it provides tremendous exercise, you can experience the wilderness up close and personal and it’s quiet. Quiet enough not to disturb the wildlife and quiet enough to enjoy the quiet.



So, we strapped on our snowshoes and tramped off into the woods. Even with snowshoes, your feet tend to sink into the fresh powder a bit requiring a little sweat to get through but it is still better that post holing up to your thighs! But, a walk through a woodland with fresh snow is meditative and serene. That is, until the dogs start vying for  trailblazer of the month. Watching dogs romp through the snow is like watching them go free on a secluded beach. Humans only wish they could enjoy something as much.












One of our hikes got interesting when the dogs’ noses took them ahead at breakneck speed. We caught up with them just in time to find them chewing on what was left of an elk carcass. The Princess’s eyes were rolled up in her head in ecstasy as she gnawed at the tidbits remaining. You never know what you’re going to find in the wilderness.



Unfortunately, snowshoeing is slow going and will only get you so far. If you really want to get where cars and snowshoes can’t go, it’s time for the snowmobiles. They are fast and can plow quickly through the snow to get you deep into the wilderness.












Although, I have mixed emotions about them as most snowmobiles are loud and stinky which takes away from one’s intent to enjoy nature, undisturbed. They also require some  strength and weight to manhandle them and dig them out when they get stuck (which always happens) neither of which I possess. So, I always have to go along as a rider instead of a driver. But, once you get into the backcountry, you can turn off the engine and take in nature at it’s best.











This winter provided great conditions for snowshoeing and snowmobiling and although we didn’t do as much as we would have liked (where does the time go?), we did get to enjoy some really amazing backcountry experiences.



“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.” John Muir



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